Why are wetlands important?

Nature’s sieves: Wetlands like lakes and ponds retain pollutants and keep them from running into rivers and streams, acting as a natural sieve!

Carbon sponges: Wetlands absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and hold them in solid and liquid form – this helps maintain a balance in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

Built-in sinks: Wetlands are nature’s sinks – collecting rain and recharging groundwater, making sure we have enough water in our taps.

Nature’s flood squad: Wetlands absorb excess rain-water to prevent flooding. They also reduce the speed at which flood water flows - trapping nutrients suspended in the water and making the floodplains highly fertile.

More than watering holes: Wetlands support innumerable species of plants and animals, and are important breeding spots for wildlife. Aquatic plants, fish, amphibians, phytoplankton, mollusks and birds are all species dependant on wetlands!

How big is your water footprint?

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