Cotton is an important fiber and cash crop which plays a dominant role in the industrial and agricultural economy of India.

India being the second largest producer of cotton in the world is also one of the preferred sourcing sites for various international textile brands and retailers.

Cotton alone uses more than half the chemical pesticides used in the entire agricultural production in India. Rising demand compels cotton growers to adopt unsustainable methods which may pose serious challenges to the environment through the excessive use of inputs like water, fertilizers and pesticides. 

WWF works with cotton farmers, intermediaries and retailers to raise awareness about the environmental impacts of unsustainable cotton production and promotes better growing practices that will help reduce water footprint in key river basins and biodiversity footprint in priority landscapes. 

WWF-India is supporting the production of Better Cotton in Punjab, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Through its experience and network, WWF-India is providing the businesses with market and industry linkages that promote global standards for cotton production.

WWF is also estimating the environment footprint associated with cotton production and the water availability risk assessment for future cotton production.

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