What is workplace giving?

Workplace giving is a simple, yet powerful way to donate to WWF-India regularly. Anyone can sign up for the program, and the amount you choose to regularly contribute will be deducted by your bank automatically and sent to us either monthly, quarterly or yearly by your bank. Fifty percent of each contribution is tax-exempt under Sec 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961. This means you are saving your taxes while supporting a cause close to your heart.

Why workplace giving?

Regular donations through workplace giving are vital to support our many conservation efforts in India. Your contribution will be received at a crucial time when the planet is grappling with the impacts of climate change – which are accelerated by human activity and wasteful consumption of resources by an ever-increasing population.

One of the primary impacts of climate change is felt by the fragile ecosystems and by the species that depend on them. Moreover, several of these species are already on the brink of extinction in India due to centuries of overhunting and habitat loss & degradation and simply cannot keep up with the drastic environmental changes that climate change now brings.

In addition to providing these remaining habitats and species with a fair chance at survival your action today through our program will be a step in ensuring future generations get the opportunity to experience the wealth of biodiversity our planet has to offer. Your support may even help us bring an end to Illegal wildlife trade which is the cause of zoonotic diseases such as Covid-19. Your support can aid WWF-India and TRAFFIC India’s efforts to mitigate growing illegal wildlife trade in the country and can help us prevent diseases spreading from wildlife to humans.

Read more: One-4-Nature Workplace Giving brochure

Register, Save and Protect our Natural World

1. Process for an employee
Please check whether your employer is a part of our workplace giving program. If yes, nominate WWF India as your charity of choice and select your donation amount. If no, you can quickly register to join our “One-4-Nature” workplace giving programme.


Benefits for you

  • Simple way to give donations which are deducted from salary
  • Giving this way keeps our administration costs lower – meaning more of your gift goes directly towards protecting endangered wildlife and their habitats.
  • Donations can start, change or stop at any time
  • Get regular conservation updates from the field and invites to exclusive WWF India webinars and events
  • Employees can claim tax benefits (80G) for contributions

2. Process for an employer
If your organization wishes to be part of WWF-India’s “One-4-Nature” workplace giving programme you can reach out to us on the number below to join the same. We would be happy to have you on board and enable you to make a bigger impact for our planet. 

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact Indeera Menon.
E: indeeramenon@wwfindia.net
M: +91 9810969112