Nairobi One Small Step Forward for Kyoto Protocol, WWF
Nairobi, Kenya – The Nairobi meeting ended with an agreement to take a small step forward to keep the world on track to start formal negotiations on the next round of cuts in CO2 emissions starting in 2007, says WWF.
Ministers at the UN climate talks edged the planet towards a safer, low carbon future. But they did not seize the opportunity to make the further decisions needed for deeper emission cuts beyond 2012. Governments recognized that global emissions need to be reduced 50 per cent by 2050, but at this pace the negotiations will not get us there.
“While progress was made in Nairobi, our leaders must recognise that scientific evidence and public opinion demands much stronger action than what was agreed,” says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF’s Climate Change Programme. “Nairobi does provide a sufficient platform for further talks, but WWF will continue to press hard for these talks to meet the challenges of climate change to people and the planet.”
“Ministers must take home the clear message that next year’s meeting in Indonesia is the last chance for governments to start full negotiations for deeper cuts in emissions to keep the rise in global temperatures below the critical 2°C level.”
WWF welcomes the agreement in Nairobi on the adaptation fund, but the level of funding remains far below the amount required to meet the social and environmental problems faced by developing countries.
There is no timetable in place yet for reducing CO2 emissions beyond 2012, when the current Kyoto commitment period ends. We need an agreement in place to see these talks concluded by 2008 and to ensure a vibrant carbon market.
“We still have a long way to go and little time left to act - the devastating impact of climate change throughout the world cannot be ignored and rich countries need to lead in taking the next step,” adds Verolme. “But key developing countries, while presenting some forward-looking ideas that could advance the Kyoto process in the future, also need to engage in this.”
“Climate change is undermining years of fragile economic progress here in Africa and damaging nature on a massive scale. While there was forward momentum these talks clearly lacked in ambition relative to the challenge the planet faces.”
For more information, please contact:
Anshuman Atroley
Communications Manager
Tel: +91-11-4150 4797