WWF-India’s interventions

  • Infrastructural support to the forest department

    We work closely with the forest department to provide strategic and timely infrastructural support such as patrolling vehicles, field kits, metal detectors, LED torches, GPS, walkie talkies to supplement the protection regime in Protected Areas. We have provided such infrastructural support to Kanha, Pench, Achankamar, Satpuda, Melghat, Tadoba, Panna, Bandhavgarh and many other Protected Areas. In the forest corridors, we have assisted the forest department in forming well-equipped patrolling units. Long-term projects such as the establishment of wireless networks, creation of spatial digital database of specific areas and management of waterholes have also been taken up.
  • Monitoring tigers and other wildlife

    In collaboration with the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department and National Tiger Conservation Authority, we conduct camera-trapping exercises to monitor tigers, co-predators and prey base in the wildlife corridors. In the Kanha-Achankarmar-Pench corridor, camera traps have also been set up to monitor carcasses of cattle kills, which helps to identify the tiger that is coming in constant conflict with the villagers and allows the forest department to better manage wildlife conflict. It also ensures the carcass is not poisoned by angry villagers, thereby reducing retaliatory killings.
  • Reducing forest dependence/working with local communities

    We are working in villages in the Kanha-Achankarmar, Kanha-Pench and Kanha-Tadoba corridors to reduce the local community’s dependence on forest resources by proving alternate sources of livelihoods and energy needs. Biogas plants, smokeless/energy-efficient stoves and solar water heaters are provided to the communities, resulting in a significant decrease in fuelwood collection. To reduce open grazing of cattle, fodder lands have been introduced in some villages to ensure cattle grazing is restricted to a defined area. Local communities are also introduced to alternate income generation activities to uplift their economic conditions and reduce their dependence on forests.
  • Managing human-wildlife conflict

    In order to control retaliatory killing, victims of cattle lifting cases due to tiger attacks are provided with interim relief in the form of monetary compensation which helps the victims in covering their loss in the time taken for the compensation from the government or forest department to reach. The carcass of the cattle is also monitored to ensure it is not poisoned by the agitated community.
  • Promoting political will towards conservation

    To inculcate a positive attitude for wildlife conservation, WWF-India engages with local communities, local social political leaders, and the forest department, bringing them under one umbrella through several events. Using the results of our scientific research and studies in the area, we lobby for the adoption of policies favourable to conservation measures, and in many cases stopping developmental activities that would have irreversible negative impact on the habitat and its wildlife.
  • Raising awareness amongst local communities

    WWF-India conducts regular educational programmes for schoolchildren as well as members of the local communities. A dedicated mobile resource van travels across the landscape, engaging with communities through innovative activities, informing them about the importance of wildlife and forests. It also educates them about the wildlife supported by the forests, the important role they can play in conservation, as well as living in harmony with the wildlife. Several village-level nature clubs have also been started in schools to sensitize students from a young age.
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