Study Material for ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Environmental Management and Law’
A book capturing subject of Urban Environmental Management and its relevance to environmental law and policy issues.
CEL, WWF – India and the National Law University, Delhi have jointly published study material to cater to students who register for the ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Environmental Management and Law’ course. The book covers in detail aspects of Urbanisation, Urban Environmental Management, various laws and frameworks established for urban environmental management and good practices of urban spaces today.
The key objective of the study material is to provide policy prescriptions, innovations for better urban governance, information and training inputs to all those concerned, in order to improve living conditions and quality of life of urban citizens. The study material has been developed mainly to strengthen the delivery capacity of urban administrators and elected representatives.
CEL, WWF-India conceived the idea of offering an interdisciplinary programme to make the participants familiar with the existing legal and policy prescriptions. The programme provides students with practical faculty to improve their competence in addressing crucial urban problems at both policy-making and implementation levels.
The hallmark of the programme lies in the fact that it is a flexible and convenient mode of dissemination of knowledge about current urban issues with special emphasis on synthesis of urban laws with environmental concerns. The programme, comprising of five theory courses and one practical course, emphasizes on multidisciplinary approaches to urban laws and policies. It provides a focus on current urban problems related to infrastructure, services, population, migration and shelter in the light of both international and national perspectives, presented through actual case studies, urban environmental policies and legislations.
This study material has been put together with the hope that it will equip learners on urban environmental management and its integration with law.

Handbook on International Environmental Agreements
To address environmental issues that India and other countries face, it is imperative and important to initiate action at all levels - global, regional, national, local, and community. It is not enough to have international agreements and instruments on environmental issues; but implementation and enforcement of these policies and agreements to a large extent determine their impact and effectiveness. To bring about change at all levels it is important to understand the global scenario and India’s position in the global arena.
It is in this context that the preparation of the two-Volume Handbook on International Environmental Agreements, to which India is a party, was undertaken by the Centre for Environmental Law, WWF-India, supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.
This handbook seeks to provide a comprehensive and cohesive perspective on the major International Environmental Agreements to which India is a party. It is hoped that this publication will help in understanding India’s international obligations, how they are being addressed at national and local levels, and also India’s position at the Conference of Parties (COPs) to the various Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).
This handbook is also an attempt to provide grounding to the uninitiated in the arena of Environmental Law by providing a comprehensive documentation and analysis of relevant International Environmental Law Agreements along with the relevant COP and the significant developments therein vis-à-vis India.